Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Really Easy Christmas Quiz

workers witness - No signature representation to the

In testimony is a legal representative in the signature is not permitted if the name of the exhibitor in typescript cited under the certificate text (Munich Labour Court, decision of 18.08.2010, Az: 21 Ca 12890/09).

The writing does not need to be given job reference from the employer or his legal Organ to be produced and signed. It can hereby also hire a company belonging to representatives as the agents that the testimony then given on behalf of the employer and signs. The agency relationship and the function must be given regularly, because the person and the rank of the signatory information about the esteem of the worker and the expertise of the exhibitor for the assessment of the worker and so is the accuracy of the witness statements made. The absence of such information may therefore prove to be detrimental to the employee. A certificate, which ends with the typed name of the employer or the representative body and the one that Name corresponding signature is attached, does not seem incomplete. The employer must ensure, however, that the person who signs the witness himself, who explicitly identifies as an exhibitor. Who presents to the outside than the issuer of a certificate of distancing itself from its contents, if he can sign it by any third party. He does so while still responsible for the content of testimony. The value of the certificate can be minimized however the long term. This can be based on knowledge of the true signature. The typeface itself may be cause for irritation. Thus the text can be untrained, do not act and can be liquid or schoolboy therefore may not agree with the position of the supposed signer. Such uncertainties may adhere to the letter of reference but not from the outset.
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