I Did not mention before, that GSV is contagious? Lots of great ideas can be found there. One is the production of a Demi Glace, a basic sauce that is cooked bones, vegetables, red wine and spices and reduced at the end so strong is that a thick sauce is formed, which then act as flavor enhancement for many sauces for roasts and other braised dishes that can. Demi Glace is actually made from veal bones, beef bones, I've used.
Since I now have a great new roaster, yesterday I bought a little hastily. Ingredients: 1kg diced beef from cattle, about 4kg bones (marrow bones and sand bone mixed), 1.5 kg of vegetables and onions, 2 tablespoons tomato paste, some flour, 2 sprigs of rosemary, a few grains of allspice, 2 teaspoons mustard seeds and 6 bay leaves. There are also 1 liter of wine and 2.5 liters of water. Thus the capacity of my roaster is exhausted too.
The bones in the roasting pan I toasted in the oven. This takes about 1 hour at 180 degrees.
In the meantime, I have the meat and vegetables crushed and brought rosemary from the garden.
I currently have my old roaster in action, I have used this to cook the meat to be strong.
When the meat is browned, it comes out of the roaster and the vegetables inside it.
When it is browned nicely, I stir the tomato paste underneath, dust some flour over it and pour a bottle of red wine. So I delete from the gravy that gives a nice aroma.
the meantime, the bones in the furnace have already become golden brown. That's good. So come to the meat.
Then the contents of the "vegetable roaster with the Le Creuset and then filled with water and wine, nothing is pure. Overall, my roaster has a capacity of 8.9 liters.
Does not this now out attractively?
The smell is in any case already staggering. Surprising even the spices in, then replace the lid and you can now spend in the roaster oven at 180 degrees about 3-4 hours. During this time the liquid is simmering gently to himself, and all flavors fade into the broth.
small time jump - 4 hours later.
To now become master of the mass, I raise the first time the bones with tongs from the liquid.
The rest I pour through a sieve into a large pan and press the cooked vegetables and meat from good.
On the surface has accumulated an incredible amount fat. I scoop gently. That leaves 2 liters of fluid.
These must now be reduced. I let the liquid in an open pan and cook slightly bubbly creatures while every now and the foam.
And this is the sauce for another 3 hours. Thick, dark, and it is full of flavors. I spice the basic sauce with a little salt now and try before. Yummy!
From 2 liters are left just under 700ml, which fit into 4 small glasses. I let him in hot water briefly draw, so the sauce keeps in the refrigerator for several months now.
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