Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mosin-nagant Blueprint

landlord denied access to the apartment - dismissal?
The landlord may terminate a housing lease without notice if the tenant him generally (eg in order to show these potential buyers) rode to the apartment denied (BGH, decision of: 05.10.2010, Az: VIII ZR 221/09).
According to § 543 para 1 sentence 1 BGB, a housing rental agreement for cause by either party to be terminated without notice. Good cause exists if the terminating party, taking into account all the circumstances of the case, especially the fault of the parties, and in consideration of mutual interests to continue the lease until the expiry of the notice period or until other termination of the lease can not be expected (§ 543 para 1 sentence 2 BGB). From § 543 para 3 sentence 1 BGB is clear that the important reason may lie in any breach of the lease, and therefore also in violation of the contractual obligation of the tenant, the landlord allow access to the apartment when dispose of the apartment and therefore wants to show prospective buyers.
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