Sunday, February 27, 2011

Protrusion On Goldfish

termination letter - Access the afternoon in the mailbox

The letter of notice is an employee in his mailbox when the traffic is expected to view with the emptying of the mailbox that day still can. Reached the termination letter the letter box of the employee to a day, according to the practice of transport a withdrawal by the employee can not be expected, the notice is given no more that day. It is not necessary to look to the individual circumstances of the employee, but in the interest of legal certainty on the ability to view. A clock after 16.00 goes into the mailbox of the employee termination letter thrown in this until the next day to (National Labour Court Köln, Az: 4 Sa 721/10, Judgement of 09.17.2010). Unless it is rung at the door and send the employee's letter by a messenger himself.
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