Hello, dear friends!
No, you're just not at the world's best home improvement show ("Tool Time") has landed, but a report on German plans.
the past week have my love and I no heating - but since Friday Last week provided by two very powerful radiators (wow, 2,000 kW) for the necessary heat, but unfortunately "only" in the living room, bedroom in the working or if we rearrange the appropriate order as it wengistens to have a little warm.
German craftsmen and punctuality: nil. Morning was being considered, but no, it is only 14:45, and the gentlemen comfortable. Not that we would have liked to know beforehand to plan the day accordingly reasonable.
We make a small leap in time - in December 2006.
know some of you that at that time the living room almost instantly into a "rain forest" was transformed - thanks to the wood paneling on the ceiling and the out flowing> warm < Wasser - Freitagabends zur besten Pipen-Stammtisch Zeit. Toll, wenn man genügend Eimer und Geschirrtücher hat, um das Ganze glimpflich auffangen zu können (herzlichen Dank an einen mitdenkenden Vermieter, der tatkärftig mithalf). Die Bande (damals noch größer als zu heutiger Zeit) hat gedacht, es würde eine Dusche geben. Falsch gedacht, Leute. Genau vor der Voliere hörte der Wasserfluß auf. Da könnt ihr noch so balzen und die Schwungfedern spreizen, ist nicht drin. Nur mit Sprühflasche und/oder Trinkbehälter, weil ihr ja auch das Vogelbad verweigert, das wir euch spendierten. Da soll mir mal einer sagen, daß Vögel nicht wählerisch sind...
I digress.
time we had "only" water damage to the carpets - anything really important was spared by the water currents. These include our system, the laptop and much else. Like a miracle was also spared the iron, which was promptly abgekabelt of course one of the first rescue.
Today, a week ago. Water pipe burst in the attic, "rain forest", the second door. The contractor is working thoroughly and accurately, and after lunch I have eaten at. Calm before the storm, with "storm" absolutely the wrong word. I am in the kitchen, stir my lunch at - and what it does? It's raining. Yes, "rain forest", the third Flap. That in the bathroom, the cold water has no pressure, really care and peripheral. 13:43 I find myself once with the landlord on the mat - "So we meet again" to the really very friendly installer, who five minutes later repaired and the second pipe burst.
drops in the evening then four holes - but not nearly as bad as the day yet. Can we get over so well, and the tarp was laid out for now. You never know ...
Max (our cockatiel Hahn) was the drilling by the way it so much, that he all hens (which left four) anbalzte. At least one that it will not get the frustration. Where: the biology-private lesson did not. Max and his gonads - but the term "dauerrattig" would certainly please the rat. Oh yes, it's a coincidence that Eugene had built up his laptop and I the ironing board (to prevent all questions: * i * hate ironing) and again nothing happened?
Today: move
cabinet for a foot or so, with the help will certainly go. Let's see what they want then do it at all. All radiators combine. evacuate shelf in the kitchen, which is fun. At least I should not pay for the mess, as my landlord inclined noted. Let's see what I will learn later. I will eat the same first and then leave at least one level or bus to at least do a thing can. And by the way my new Doc's (3-hole, steel toe) and dock.
News Addendum:
But no pipes that will connect the radiator. But holes in front of our door. What ever want to do now - and the heat is exhausted once total, an oxygen Stoffeld will remain in the pipes.
The owner speaks of "things that we do not want to discuss." Until now I have no idea what he means.
But one good thing about the thing: I must not evacuate a shelf, or scrap the cabinet. Just move. And when that starts? The I do not know. Oh great. But probably tomorrow. So I arm myself before. There may be noise - is okay and I expected that.
No, you're just not at the world's best home improvement show ("Tool Time") has landed, but a report on German plans.
the past week have my love and I no heating - but since Friday Last week provided by two very powerful radiators (wow, 2,000 kW) for the necessary heat, but unfortunately "only" in the living room, bedroom in the working or if we rearrange the appropriate order as it wengistens to have a little warm.
German craftsmen and punctuality: nil. Morning was being considered, but no, it is only 14:45, and the gentlemen comfortable. Not that we would have liked to know beforehand to plan the day accordingly reasonable.
We make a small leap in time - in December 2006.
know some of you that at that time the living room almost instantly into a "rain forest" was transformed - thanks to the wood paneling on the ceiling and the out flowing> warm < Wasser - Freitagabends zur besten Pipen-Stammtisch Zeit. Toll, wenn man genügend Eimer und Geschirrtücher hat, um das Ganze glimpflich auffangen zu können (herzlichen Dank an einen mitdenkenden Vermieter, der tatkärftig mithalf). Die Bande (damals noch größer als zu heutiger Zeit) hat gedacht, es würde eine Dusche geben. Falsch gedacht, Leute. Genau vor der Voliere hörte der Wasserfluß auf. Da könnt ihr noch so balzen und die Schwungfedern spreizen, ist nicht drin. Nur mit Sprühflasche und/oder Trinkbehälter, weil ihr ja auch das Vogelbad verweigert, das wir euch spendierten. Da soll mir mal einer sagen, daß Vögel nicht wählerisch sind...
I digress.
time we had "only" water damage to the carpets - anything really important was spared by the water currents. These include our system, the laptop and much else. Like a miracle was also spared the iron, which was promptly abgekabelt of course one of the first rescue.
Today, a week ago. Water pipe burst in the attic, "rain forest", the second door. The contractor is working thoroughly and accurately, and after lunch I have eaten at. Calm before the storm, with "storm" absolutely the wrong word. I am in the kitchen, stir my lunch at - and what it does? It's raining. Yes, "rain forest", the third Flap. That in the bathroom, the cold water has no pressure, really care and peripheral. 13:43 I find myself once with the landlord on the mat - "So we meet again" to the really very friendly installer, who five minutes later repaired and the second pipe burst.
drops in the evening then four holes - but not nearly as bad as the day yet. Can we get over so well, and the tarp was laid out for now. You never know ...
Max (our cockatiel Hahn) was the drilling by the way it so much, that he all hens (which left four) anbalzte. At least one that it will not get the frustration. Where: the biology-private lesson did not. Max and his gonads - but the term "dauerrattig" would certainly please the rat. Oh yes, it's a coincidence that Eugene had built up his laptop and I the ironing board (to prevent all questions: * i * hate ironing) and again nothing happened?
Today: move
cabinet for a foot or so, with the help will certainly go. Let's see what they want then do it at all. All radiators combine. evacuate shelf in the kitchen, which is fun. At least I should not pay for the mess, as my landlord inclined noted. Let's see what I will learn later. I will eat the same first and then leave at least one level or bus to at least do a thing can. And by the way my new Doc's (3-hole, steel toe) and dock.
News Addendum:
But no pipes that will connect the radiator. But holes in front of our door. What ever want to do now - and the heat is exhausted once total, an oxygen Stoffeld will remain in the pipes.
The owner speaks of "things that we do not want to discuss." Until now I have no idea what he means.
But one good thing about the thing: I must not evacuate a shelf, or scrap the cabinet. Just move. And when that starts? The I do not know. Oh great. But probably tomorrow. So I arm myself before. There may be noise - is okay and I expected that.
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