Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How To Make Dookie Chain

Frightening parallels ...

then I've just done the way I mentioned earlier still. The new shoes are great - maybe I'll even order the mandatory blisters on his heels (usually two) around.

But I was at the bus stop but then something shocked. Only a young mother with a child, the mother of a smoking cigarette in his mouth - fine, get the child from the same dose of nicotine than smoke and passive smoking.

This can be seen everywhere - and ignored it. Does it still goes: "Everyone has his own fortune."

And so it was not added, what scares me.

did you know, kind reader of my blog that at least here at my location, the lamps of street lighting to address parallel with those in the bus shelter - where there is always this A0 advertising? I just had a wonderful outlook took on a commercial bank, which promises a very full-bodied rather nice rate, but with appropriate initial deposit, and the street lighting in their evening service.

I do not know what happens when the street lights not working, but the advertising on bus shelters. Looks kinda strange then good.

added Somewhere a bird cried - it was like in the summer when the friends begin to build a nest, and the temperature was already almost warm.

"Where sweet birds sang the late ..."

Thank you, William. If you had dreamed of you that you have before then, but built a multi-storey house and the sounds> behind < dem Haus ortbar waren?

Difference Between 700 Sps And Varmint

Yes, drill out the holes for ...

Hello, dear friends!

No, you're just not at the world's best home improvement show ("Tool Time") has landed, but a report on German plans.

the past week have my love and I no heating - but since Friday Last week provided by two very powerful radiators (wow, 2,000 kW) for the necessary heat, but unfortunately "only" in the living room, bedroom in the working or if we rearrange the appropriate order as it wengistens to have a little warm.

German craftsmen and punctuality: nil. Morning was being considered, but no, it is only 14:45, and the gentlemen comfortable. Not that we would have liked to know beforehand to plan the day accordingly reasonable.

We make a small leap in time - in December 2006.

know some of you that at that time the living room almost instantly into a "rain forest" was transformed - thanks to the wood paneling on the ceiling and the out flowing> warm < Wasser - Freitagabends zur besten Pipen-Stammtisch Zeit. Toll, wenn man genügend Eimer und Geschirrtücher hat, um das Ganze glimpflich auffangen zu können (herzlichen Dank an einen mitdenkenden Vermieter, der tatkärftig mithalf). Die Bande (damals noch größer als zu heutiger Zeit) hat gedacht, es würde eine Dusche geben. Falsch gedacht, Leute. Genau vor der Voliere hörte der Wasserfluß auf. Da könnt ihr noch so balzen und die Schwungfedern spreizen, ist nicht drin. Nur mit Sprühflasche und/oder Trinkbehälter, weil ihr ja auch das Vogelbad verweigert, das wir euch spendierten. Da soll mir mal einer sagen, daß Vögel nicht wählerisch sind...

I digress.

time we had "only" water damage to the carpets - anything really important was spared by the water currents. These include our system, the laptop and much else. Like a miracle was also spared the iron, which was promptly abgekabelt of course one of the first rescue.

Today, a week ago. Water pipe burst in the attic, "rain forest", the second door. The contractor is working thoroughly and accurately, and after lunch I have eaten at. Calm before the storm, with "storm" absolutely the wrong word. I am in the kitchen, stir my lunch at - and what it does? It's raining. Yes, "rain forest", the third Flap. That in the bathroom, the cold water has no pressure, really care and peripheral. 13:43 I find myself once with the landlord on the mat - "So we meet again" to the really very friendly installer, who five minutes later repaired and the second pipe burst.

drops in the evening then four holes - but not nearly as bad as the day yet. Can we get over so well, and the tarp was laid out for now. You never know ...

Max (our cockatiel Hahn) was the drilling by the way it so much, that he all hens (which left four) anbalzte. At least one that it will not get the frustration. Where: the biology-private lesson did not. Max and his gonads - but the term "dauerrattig" would certainly please the rat. Oh yes, it's a coincidence that Eugene had built up his laptop and I the ironing board (to prevent all questions: * i * hate ironing) and again nothing happened?

Today: move

cabinet for a foot or so, with the help will certainly go. Let's see what they want then do it at all. All radiators combine. evacuate shelf in the kitchen, which is fun. At least I should not pay for the mess, as my landlord inclined noted. Let's see what I will learn later. I will eat the same first and then leave at least one level or bus to at least do a thing can. And by the way my new Doc's (3-hole, steel toe) and dock.

News Addendum:

But no pipes that will connect the radiator. But holes in front of our door. What ever want to do now - and the heat is exhausted once total, an oxygen Stoffeld will remain in the pipes.

The owner speaks of "things that we do not want to discuss." Until now I have no idea what he means.

But one good thing about the thing: I must not evacuate a shelf, or scrap the cabinet. Just move. And when that starts? The I do not know. Oh great. But probably tomorrow. So I arm myself before. There may be noise - is okay and I expected that.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Chi Hair Straightener Jc Penney Salon

I can see clearly now ...

takes slow ride to the forms - has yet to pack my Pipenutensilien with "As It Is in the lackeys of Winamp. This morning I am with headaches and other problems: wake up (aka knee pain) and I was actually not so sure whether I want to ride. But hope dies last is well known, so I will probably open me yet.

View Saturday to pipe - maybe I'll find a sweetie, I tend to my enabling small collections. Pipe makers meet - Arno? We'll see. We have already met, and I can read his posts in the forum. Either way, it will hopefully fun.

Sunday, Dreieich. So at least the planning is in the air. I'm also looking forward to see some familiar faces - such as Martin and his girlfriend Andrea. Murray - so I have noticed - there will not be there. Sabine is also there and will probably sign as usual and draw. That in any event extra packed my UA-T-shirt to make at least some advertising and support. To run a scenario, but then perhaps the time is missing. But at least I can get an overview - and that's something. I will be the first time there.

"Straight Through the Mirror" - Blind Guardian.

Yes, if you could see behind the mirror - to discover the world beyond. As the gap in Mary Poppins at New Year.

can come the weekend - I'm prepared. Also with a walking cane I will not discourage me. Quite the contrary.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mother Penis Inspection

dice and more ...

know, the kind reader of my blog certainly that I have a hobby that many role players, and that is the cube collection. Meanwhile, there are - and I think at last count - 1264, including the full Set Battletech cube .

They are absolutely not for sale!

I have just received a text message to me that Thomas has bought die in Munich.

Feel very fond greetings and cuddled! = O)

Is The Golden Puffle Real

If you go on a journey ... and some other more

Very funny, but I can not laugh anyway.

I want to Werl - from my location. If no problem. Only now there are two things collide: the arrival time, according to information and the service end of my wealth. And since a smooth-five minutes in between. Let's see if I can get from the station to come out to set up - otherwise I'm cold fast, and are getting a bad mood. That must now not be real.

And I know the last time it's been quiet here.

Guy Fawkes Day has come and gone and again - at least what I thought of it. "V for Vendetta" is great.

"Remember, remember the fifth of november ..." Yes, yes. "1812" and a movie that wonderfully illustrates the techniques of manipulation. Why I must always think of Manuelo? Perhaps because V sets similar behavior to light. Who is "V" has not yet seen - an absolute must! Especially because he is photographed beautifully.

I have one of my favorite videos rediscovered: "Not for the Dough" by Multicyde, with excerpts from this Norwegian animated film. Simply brilliant.

AD & D on Tuesday night was great: we did it, not even to be mostly OOC. This is - I think - half the troops currently flat, let's see what you can do there.

weekend was some good news: I can scan the Munchkin card that has drawn me John, and put online here.

The rest of the evening may come - July will call back, and there will be a conversation. Let's see how this proceeds. I sense bad ....

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nadine Jensen Showdown

All Hallows

The day after Hallowe'en. So far everything has gone quiet. I have so far experienced a very peaceful day, with my "granddaughter" spoken, I hear music that reminds me of a very pleasant evening in Cologne: Blind Guardian "Another Stranger Me". The concert on 19-10-2006 in the Live Music Hall. Together with Mark, and Andrea Martin. Even if one was a roll yet, which T-shirt as I remember take with me - and a fine cigar (Griffins) could smoke. The music was great, even if one could say Hansi well be that it approached the end of the tour. The mood in the audience very great - of course, you have sung along, some rather bawled .. but it was great.

moderated Just Ricx his mission - and again with Blind Guardian Celtic Spirit. " Thanks, my son! And by the way I learn about marsupials, have the strange food ideas. Well, who eats ashes .... has ashes in the mouth or something.

Now I'm waiting for the first time from the rest of the evening.