Saturday, March 5, 2011

Indians Heroines Showing Their Nipples

rights at Fitness-/Sportstudioverträgen:
What rights and obligations you have as a fitness or gym member?
first Contract:
this should be read carefully at the conclusion of the contract. The contract period shall be not more than 2 years and the notice period no longer than 3 months. One should also pay attention to hidden costs (eg course fees and service fees).
second dismissal:
A contract can be terminated prematurely again. The Court has recognized for extraordinary termination include the following reasons: serious health impairment (a medical certificate with an exact description of the clinical picture is necessary - permanent illness!) Change of residence into a other city or remote area, transfer / sale of the gyms in another part of town, pregnancy, significant change or restriction of opening times, price changes or increases (but not a VAT increase); closure for renovation.
third Drinks and food: Is it
bring your own food and drink?
snacks like energy bars or a banana should not be banned.
beverage: to take a ban
own drinks in the fitness and gym is ineffective. Cans, glass bottles or hydration pack can still be banned for security reasons.
4th MP3 Player etc.:
The fitness studio and sports such use of MP3 players, etc. do not prohibit. However, music may be heard only in such volume that other members will not be disturbed accordingly.
5th Disclaimer:
employee / owner of the fitness and gyms are obligated to educate members about possible health effects. Therefore, they are liable for negligently caused damage to health caused by faulty or defective exercise equipment advice.
6th Tips prior to closing: View
Studio, the level of equipment and courses; exercise of free training, studio contract with terms and conditions and house rules can hand out and read; Term note - better short-term contracts with a duration of 6 months to 12 months to complete, look for hidden costs (such as service fees, graduation fees, costs shower, sauna fees, course fees, tanning costs).
Legal Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal


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