Although the herbal mixture for a true Frankfurt green sauce is now available all year on us this dish tastes even better in the spring. As of March it is about every two weeks on our diet, it is our absolute favorite food. The final blend of herbs is in the Frankfurt area in any decent grocery store offered, many supermarkets carry the popular round package.
(includes the hungriest of course Mark, who destroyed about 3 / 4 of the total) for 2 hungry mouths ranging from 2 packs. These are for the sauce or a packet of cream cheese (which I use 3 / 4), 1 sour cream and a small jar of mayonnaise, which is also used only about 3 / 4. Is seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Green sauce for us there are only boiled potatoes and boiled eggs.
The herbal blend is always something different depending on the offer. Be sure to include into parsley, borage, sorrel and chives, in my pack were also chervil, cress and salad burnet. Sometimes one also finds in it dill.
The parcels were of very good quality, no waste in it and the herbs fairly fresh.
is important to know that the green sauce is not cooked, but served cold. To produce them, the herbs are washed, sorted out the coarse stalks and leaves chopped fine then. I do it in the food processor my food processor. It is somewhat easier by the way, if you always add to the herbs are the remaining sauce ingredients (ie cottage cheese, sour Cream and mayonnaise). Then, the mass puree beautifully fine. One can of course decide how finely you want to have the sauce.
If all the herbs are processed, the sauce with salt, pepper and lemon juice (half a lemon is usually enough of) seasoned. Served with boiled potatoes and eggs with us.
course there is not a recipe for green sauce but many possibilities to vary. Some like to give an onion or pieces of pickles in the sauce, others are preparing for a "light" version, using only lean yogurt as a sauce base is used and it is strongly flavored with mustard. The imagination knows no boundaries. There are people who serve the sauce also like to meat, for example, to boiled beef. The above formulation is the one that tastes best to us.
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