Friday, January 28, 2011

Quotes For Losing Someone To Cancer

enjoy - in Thai

legumes are rich in protein and especially - one of my favorite vegetables. I love lentils, peas, beans and chickpeas. The latter are particularly popular in Asian cooking. Since we love to eat Thai and Indian, it is obvious that migrate and chickpeas in our pot. Today's chickpea curry is cooked in Thai style. The required Massaman curry paste I myself have made in a mortar. This promises a fresh and delicate aroma.

I like to use dried chickpeas, they must be at least 12 hours in advance to be soaked. I filled 500g dried chickpeas in a bowl and cover with water. During soaking the chickpeas swell on strong, so you should use a large bowl and fill water.

After my purchase in Asia Laden could then also be concerned about the fresh ingredients and I have started to produce the curry paste. I'm using a very large and heavy (15kg) stone mortar. Curry pastes are mixed in a food processor do not achieve the fullness of flavor as in the slow crushing in a mortar.

The ingredients for the curry paste are as follows (results in about 7 tablespoons):

7 red, dried chili peppers
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
40g garlic, finely chopped
30g shallots, finely
chopped 2 tablespoons galangal, finely chopped and a dry pan roasted without oil
4 stalks lemon grass, the lower part finely chopped and roasted
2 tablespoons coriander roots, finely
chopped 1 tablespoon coriander seeds,
toasted 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, roasted
8 green cardamom pods, roasted
8 cloves,
roasted 1 / 2 nutmeg, grated
1 tsp white pepper
1 / 2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon shrimp paste

The chillies are seeded, chopped and soaked in water. In the production starting with the toughest ingredients and pounds them slowly with the pestle and mortar. I started with the soaked chilies and salt, then the fresh ingredients gradually added, and at the end of the dry spices. You open the cardamom pods after roasting and uses only the inner seed. At the very end I still worked for shrimp paste. If all the ingredients are ready, take to produce the paste, about 20 minutes. Here are the ingredients are ground fine and mixed.

If the curry paste is ready, I prepare before the remaining ingredients. For this curry we still need:

4 tablespoons of curry paste
4 medium potatoes
2 large onions,
chopped 2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
500ml coconut milk and a little coconut cream (if unavailable, will Coconut milk is used and only the top layer of the solid Can)
some water
2 fresh red chili peppers (jalapenos I've made my last year's harvest taken)
3 tablespoons oil
and of course the soaked chickpeas.

in hot oil until I fry the curry paste to give a few minutes and then the coconut milk and coconut cream and possibly some more water. Then I give the chick peas and the chopped onions and the potatoes cut into pieces and strips of chili in the pot.

the curry cook now has about 20 minutes, then the potatoes and the chickpeas are tender. Season with salt, sugar and soy sauce and serve immediately.

The remaining curry paste I give my ice cube tray in the freezer and freeze it in portions. Although she is no longer quite as good as freshly made, but still much better than purchased.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How Do We Know That It Is Implantation Bleeding

Irish Boiled ox ...

... with horseradish sauce and boiled vegetables.

That was the challenge for this evening. Challenge because it boiled today in the House of Okra for the first time there. In order to guarantee

a good success, we bought a very good piece of meat. It is from an Irish bulls. By the Gulf Stream climate remain the animals throughout the year on pasture, resulting in a very tasty meat.

After Reading in various recipes on the Internet was the approach clear. Vegetable soup with sautéed onions is placed in salt water until it is bubbling boil. Then the meat is inserted and switched back the temperature as well until the water simmers just softly to himself. Under no circumstances it should not boil bubbling because of it, the meat is tough.

And here we see the main ingredients. The meat is quite a chunk of nearly two pounds.

the bottom I've never trimmed a bit and removed some minor tendons.

The fat of the top I have not removed before cooking. The broth may be a bit rich and who want to can the fat remove before eating themselves.

the onion cut in half and I have toasted in a cast iron pan without added fat and dark.

I then placed in a large saucepan, cut into chunks vegetable soup, a bay leaf and onions, flavored water with saline.

Once the water boils bubbling

comes to the meat. This makes the cooking process is stopped immediately, and I've switched back the temperature well. The meat should not boil, the water should simmer quietly.

did after two hours of cooking time, I then started the vegetables prepare, we wanted to eat boiled it. There were green beans, broccoli, peppers, carrots and potatoes.

horseradish Also there should be this. For that I peeled an apple, cored and finely grated. Then I stirred in Table 2 tablespoons horseradish and seasoned with lemon juice. Although I would prefer to have freshly grated horseradish, but that did not exist and was out of the glass then sufficient degree of sharpness.

undertaken after a little over 3 hours, I then poured the broth, filtered the boiled vegetables in the broth and the fresh vegetables cooked in succession and in conformity with the cooking times. First the potatoes and beans, and then the carrots, peppers and broccoli at the end. While the vegetables are cooked, I sliced the meat. As expected, it was wonderfully tender and soft. The taste is incomparable. Served

I'm in deep dishes, so we can enjoy a little broth.

arrived at the table then even the horseradish is used.

The meat tasted great to us, it was a very good decision to buy a more expensive piece of boiled beef. It melted on the tongue, had a great taste, and the horseradish that has good support. The vegetables were still crunchy and the broth was full of flavor. An all round successful meal that is sure to give it again if the opportunity arises.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Victoria Paris, Escort

box with the sound of the knowledge that there is no turning back

Referring to this box .

Difference Between Normal Rash & Hiv Rash

intermediate steps

Ok, so here the pictures of my finals Neurosensuit (yes, the highest official name). And a small picture of an installation. What it has to be shown on the back later. It will be interesting.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Are Signs Of Your Cherry

tipsy Wirsing

Mark is a lucky man. Also today there was another one of our absolute favorite recipes. Since I have my project "less meat in the new year" started for me, even today's portion is intended solely for him.

is special about this dish is the combination of creamy, buttery savoy cabbage, crispy, spicy bacon and a sweet note, which is made of sherry and raisins.

following ingredients are in the pan:

- cabbage, cut into thin strips
- Pork minute steaks, also cut into strips
- Bacon
- Butter
- Sherry
- cream
raisins - salt and pepper

After all ingredients are prepared, then the preparation is very simple and works relatively fast. First I fry in a little butter to the meat pieces and take them when they are lightly browned in the pan.

get the bacon and then - if that is crisp - the cabbage strips to the pan. When the cabbage fry, one should add about 2 tablespoons butter in addition. Calories is different. But fat is the flavor and makes this a lot.

The Savoy can now be properly cooked well and get brown spots. The stronger the flavor later.

Now deglaze with a good dose of sherry and cream. The raisins and the meat in the skillet

and everything a few minutes to cook, hang it a cover. After 5 minutes remove the lid and let the sauce boil down a bit. Serve with salt and pepper and season.

Today, it only comes with a rye bread as an accompaniment to the plate. And Mark has confirmed that it has tasted great.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Older Sister Tech To Mastu

Red onion very green

A recipe from inspired me to today's dinner. In the end I improvised so much that the original recipe is really nothing left - but came out an impressively good result.

the pizza dough, I naturally made itself. So I used:
- (proceed by feel), about 125-150ml warm water

The ingredients I have - 200g wheat flour type 405
- 1 / 2 sachet dried yeast
- 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
in my food processor and kneaded in about 5 minutes on an elastic and soft but not dry dough. While the dough is gone (Mark asks every time, "whereas" - a satisfactory Answer I could not give him yet) I have dedicated myself to the surface. But I have

a bunch of spring onions cut into thin rings, half a bunch parsley finely chopped, 100g cream cheese (natural) 2 tablespoons sour cream stirred in, and folded in the herbs and all seasoned with salt and pepper.

After the dough was slightly risen, I saw him again vigorously kneaded by hand and sit for times briefly. This is important so that he can relax after mixing and then roll out well. The "roll out" then I have this time made by hand and flatten the dough, let stand a slightly thicker edge and pressed around him. Then I have spread with a spoon the topping and omitted the edge there.

Now the onion pizza is heated in the oven to 200 °. And a short time later spread all over the inviting aromas of cooking. After 30 minutes, the wait is almost over. The pizza is now covered with wafer-thin slices prosciutto, cut into quarters and served.

And before it was destroyed completely, I could have a photo shoot

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Bmv Columbus Ohio License Renewal

Superheroes vs. identity. Self-tuning

still stand in the name and abilities. Suggestions please!

Edit: Actually, here is not about superheroes forces. It's about feeling unwell. Not right in your own skin. His pack carry. The perceived excesses of the body takes. Am I normal? I'm actually right? The views are delivered, at least in their own perception. What should I do to be back right? What does that mean? Right? Why I'm so twisted? What is a reasonable attitude? The right body?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best Gaming Motherboard 150$


If you have nothing else to do - so much more to do too much actually has - it makes you anything but this I so try to draw. First steps with Illustrator.

Nic (neat Idea Cubes)

Make or Do?

Hermes idiot club dear,
Not only has that one of your deliverer not find my address, and myself by pushing this note under my door, on a day that I was clearly at home ... Not only I had to spend about 8 € for anyone to reach the hotline ... No, finally there is the package which should then be sent earlier this week, now until the delivery. On a Thursday. You do have your ass open.

you send from that now?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Answering Machine With Pager Notification


When the little boy, the brave girl, spring, or the Wilhelm Meister Anton Reiser, ie when the I, or the bourgeois subject to outbreaks of return at home and not traveling experience not to update the function of your own Father wants to invest - as in the development of novel - nor is able to achieve the goal of his departure, as in many utopian, romantic, drunken story of Surrealism, then it gets into a loop.

As a way out of the loop can therefore describe the movement : one on individual, voluntary context, meet in the Union is not only different free will and a historical objectivity as a goal or an opponent, but the contrast between the object world and the subject world is repealed permanently, by determining the subjectivity of others and the objectivity own prospects for other everyday experience.

Diedrich Diederichsen, "Eigenblutdopping - self-recovery, artists romance, participation, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 2008, Cologne

" We suffer from a collective tension?
But! This is the modern Depression, from the psychology speaks, does not represent a displacement depression, but an excessive demand depression. We are not forbidden anything, but we are always something allowed. We do not stand under the pressure to anything not allowed, but we are under pressure, something must constantly having to force to pull out of enthusiasm. This is not just a forced and over-demand: The excitement is everywhere, where it is produced, sold the same clients again "
DEFCON, Robert & Max DAX (2008). The pressure to constantly something may have to. ;
interview with Diedrich Diederichsen, in: Spex Nr.315, July / August