Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Current information on the Internet right

Why Cena Changed Hand Signs

Grilled rump steak kettle grill

Sirloin steak had the Irish oxen we recently before. With coal, which had gotten a little moisture, according to the statement of health and was the weak branding. This time everything should be better.

In recent days, we had exceptionally good weather sprout, the flowers already, the fresh coal was tested with the Picanha yesterday, so we could fire up again our ball. hums

During AZK to himself and crackles

I make everything ready. Today, two steak on the grill, which we had cut our last piece of Irish bulls. Quite Brummer, one 300 and only 400 grams

Now the charcoal ready.

The grate had after the long winter, the brush burn and sorely needed. So beautiful oil spread on it and fire at will. For a proper branding of the rust was preheated very long time.

Then the protagonists could take place. 2.5 minutes each side. Then three minutes follow indirectly.

After no time you can see beautiful pattern of rust - watch out!

had as a side dish I made from a small residual organic cauliflower a salad. And because the portion was really pathetic, I still have two potatoes cut into small cubes and cooked and raised under. The dressing is made of sour cream, sweet cream, salt, pepper, dried thyme, chili powder and some fresh herbs from the pot (basil, parsley, oregano). And a Sößchen is always for me to again today my current favorites Sweet Baby Ray's Raspberry Chipotle.

Bleed: perfect cooking point for me.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dog Just Had Puppies And Digging

Picanha - boiled beef with a difference

We have so, since we are gonna wind up in the GSV, have some barbecue, and I must say that most of it is managed well, especially thanks to the good advice in this forum. And it has always been a some increases given. We could not believe that this continues, but today we ate pretty much the best meat we've ever cooked on the grill or in oven. We've done a couple stunned almost 1.3 kg (I guess no more than 250g are left).

all began - like so much else - with a few contributions in the grille sports club on Picanha. Did I even say anything at first, so hastily looked inside, what is it anyway. Then began to Mark, I always send pictures of Picanha to the office, that scoundrel ;-). So it was clear that we had to try it. So, at first a lot, read a lot and then decided that the U.S. beef a chance to give. In the Metro, we have two very nice pieces to get beef, where fortunately still, the thick layer of fat turn came. One of them landed in the freezer.

morning then went off the question of where we are bitter long skewers. The brief we have, but we wanted to work with no rust, only the meat directly over the fire. In no barbecue we have found what we wanted, so we go out in the DIY area. The hardware store we bought square steel sections, plus a matching drill bit and a beech-rod of which we have been sawn off handles. Then a hole drilled in the handle, sink the steel sections with a hammer and cut at the other end a bit. Trimmed and finished.

Once that was done, could you go. Such was our 1.342 kg piece of meat from the top.

The back I'm still slightly trimmed, otherwise the meat was really very nice.

Mark is then cut into thick slices about 4cm

this and I've rubbed with coarse sea salt (was a little bit much, next time less).

Our home

While the coal burned in a AZK, we rubbed the steel skewers with oil and baked on the embers

The salt was now also recovered well.

so you can put on the fire, turning always beautiful, and now let me speak at the pictures.

saw on the plate there will be so out of

And the gate.

And the meat was sooooo good, unbelievable. It was incredibly tender, better than filet, served with the tasty fat crust and wonderful flavor. Just perfect. Better I can not imagine. This is repeated in any case.

But a bit of meat, we still had. And after a brief respite in which we have recovered from the full Fleischdröhnung, we have ignited a second AZK and more sizzling then the second skewer. Finally a few pictures, because the sight can not get enough of that.

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detective costs to the employer for verification of the incapacity of the employee
An employer can then claim compensation through the intervention of the detective necessary costs incurred when he asked the detective during a concrete suspicion for the supervision of the employee and the employee then an intentional breach of contract is converted (BAG, decision of 28. 5. 2009-8 AZR 226 / 08).
In such a case, it is not care costs that are independent of specific wear damage-causing events as permanent operating expense by the employer. Where there are concrete suspicions, including the disadvantages to counter the threat of expenses incurred by the victim when, according to § 249 BGB reparable damage. The limit of liability is determined by what a reasonable, cost-minded person in the circumstances of the case to correct the fault or damage prevention is not only expedient, but would have done as required. It is a socially acceptable behavior, if an employer having learned of improprieties committed by his employees, to monitor activity in the investigation of an experienced person and can lead. The detective, however, costs should be regarded as necessary if the date of the order was already a concrete suspicion of a breach of duty by the employee and would have a reasonable, economically-minded person in the circumstances of the case made such charges.
Legal Kotz Kreuztal Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Indians Heroines Showing Their Nipples

rights at Fitness-/Sportstudioverträgen:
What rights and obligations you have as a fitness or gym member?
first Contract:
this should be read carefully at the conclusion of the contract. The contract period shall be not more than 2 years and the notice period no longer than 3 months. One should also pay attention to hidden costs (eg course fees and service fees).
second dismissal:
A contract can be terminated prematurely again. The Court has recognized for extraordinary termination include the following reasons: serious health impairment (a medical certificate with an exact description of the clinical picture is necessary - permanent illness!) Change of residence into a other city or remote area, transfer / sale of the gyms in another part of town, pregnancy, significant change or restriction of opening times, price changes or increases (but not a VAT increase); closure for renovation.
third Drinks and food: Is it
bring your own food and drink?
snacks like energy bars or a banana should not be banned.
beverage: to take a ban
own drinks in the fitness and gym is ineffective. Cans, glass bottles or hydration pack can still be banned for security reasons.
4th MP3 Player etc.:
The fitness studio and sports such use of MP3 players, etc. do not prohibit. However, music may be heard only in such volume that other members will not be disturbed accordingly.
5th Disclaimer:
employee / owner of the fitness and gyms are obligated to educate members about possible health effects. Therefore, they are liable for negligently caused damage to health caused by faulty or defective exercise equipment advice.
6th Tips prior to closing: View
Studio, the level of equipment and courses; exercise of free training, studio contract with terms and conditions and house rules can hand out and read; Term note - better short-term contracts with a duration of 6 months to 12 months to complete, look for hidden costs (such as service fees, graduation fees, costs shower, sauna fees, course fees, tanning costs).
Legal Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Headache In Cold Weather

Back to winter with red cabbage-noodle casserole

is also in this recipe, my thanks to Andreas, the parsnip recipe tasted so good to me already has. The cabbage-noodle casserole was even better, and if this continues, I'll hire him as a co-author. As we have

ingredients list: 500g fresh red cabbage

(was a bit more with me, and please, please, do not use red cabbage finished out of the glass!) 1 handful of raisins, pine nuts and - because I do not have enough of them had - a few pumpkin seeds, pepper, salt, thyme, cooked spiral pasta (were about 200g raw weight), some oil for frying, Parmesan cheese to sprinkle 1 tablespoon creme fraiche and a ball mozzarella. Add to that an onion and 3 cloves of garlic. 've

the red cabbage I cut into strips, the onions and garlic into fine dice and everything together at the Le Creuset in oil-fried and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Meanwhile, I've cooked the pasta in boiling salted water and toasted pine nuts and pumpkin seeds in a small frying pan without oil. I have also been times the mozzarella cut into cubes and put to some thyme.

the red cabbage I have stirred a spoonful of creme fraiche and the remaining ingredients except the Parmesan also been raised. In between, plenty of samples taken - the stuff just tastes too good. I love red cabbage.

then I still have mixed everything together the noodles and poured into a baking dish. With a little grated Parmesan sprinkled coarse and into the oven.

remains at 200 ° of the control now about 20 minutes in the oven and then looks like this

that I've still got a look-up in the evening - which I normally never do - says it all in, right? Totally delicious. The more often are now. What I was glad that was a pretty big portion for the next day left for me. With the above amount you get two to three people sick.

4 Month Old With Wheezy Cough

Carnival - made from candy - claim for pain and suffering?
No! The throwing of small objects during a carnival parade of the floats is socially normal, generally accepted by viewers be expected and total allowed. This behavior is long-standing traditions and is generally welcomed, it is estimated to account for many viewers a very essential part of the pleasure of participating in a parade. A road safety management is not well. If you look at the throwing of candy and other small objects as desired, injuries can be the single most numerous spectators not completely ruled out. The reduction in the size of the discarded items can not be required, since even a single piece of candy or a 17-ounce chocolate wafers in the worst single event can cause injury. Given the known large amount of the moving van is inevitably a certain speed of objects. An avoidance of throwing in the direction of people seems impossible, given the narrowness of the flyway and is traditionally not intended as catching the thrown objects generally desirable. To get rid of a candy made with Carnival and injured, we shall have no claim for damages and pain and suffering (Cologne District Court, Judgement of 07.01.2011, Az: 123 C 254/10).
Legal Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Pixel Laser For Pacients With Lupus

volunteer license waiver - Delete all points in Flensburg?

Unlike the withdrawal of the license, does not introduce a voluntary waiver of the license to ensure that all the previously "accumulated" points on their driving in Flensburg be deleted (Federal Administrative Court, decision of 03.03.2011, Az: BVerwG 3 C 1.10 ).
Legal Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Desert Eagle Metal Plated Bb Gun

Rent increase after modernization despite the lack of notice permitted

The Federal Court today, a decision of a rent increase after modernization measures taken that were made without prior notice.

The defendant is a tenant on the second floor apartment situated to the applicant in Berlin. By letter dated 29 September 2008 increased the plaintiff has a base rent of € 338.47 to € 120.78 for the costs incurred for the installation of an elevator. The plaintiff had the modernization measure, first by letter dated 9 September 2007 announced. On the contrary the defendant took the plaintiff's modernization announcement in February 2008 back, but had installed the lift. The defendant did not pay the rent in the following period.

In his application, the landlord sought payment of the increase amount for the months of June to August 2009. The district court dismissed the action. On appeal the plaintiff, the district court has upheld the complaint.

it against that revision of the defendant was unsuccessful. Who among other responsible for the Housing Tenancy Eighth Civil Division of the Federal Court held that a rent increase, which made pursuant to § 559 para 1 BGB * actually carried out after a modernization is not excluded, because the performance of work under § 554 para no announcement had been preceded by ** 3 BGB. The notice requirement is to allow the tenants to adjust to the anticipated construction projects in his home and may exercise its break option. The purpose of the notice requirement, however, is not to restrict the powers of the lessor, the cost of actually carried out modernization in accordance with § 559 para 1 BGB shall turn to the tenant.

* § 559 BGB: rent increase for modernization

carried out by the landlord of construction design increase the use value of the leased term, improve the general living conditions in the long run or making sustainable savings in energy or water (modernization), or has carried out other construction measures due to circumstances for which he was not responsible, he may, the annual rent by 11 per cent of the increase for the housing costs incurred.


** § 554 BGB: Toleration of conservation and modernization

(3) Measures referred to in paragraph 2, sentence 1, the landlord to the tenant latest notified three months before the start of the action which the nature and probable extent and commencement, expected duration and the expected rent increase in writing. The tenant has the right to the end of the month following the receipt of such notice, to terminate the very end of the next month. (...)

Judgement of 2 March 2011 - VIII ZR 164/10

AG center - Case of 15 September 2009 - 8 C 63/09
LG Berlin - Case of 25 June 2010 - 63 S 530/09
Source: Federal Communication Press Office No. 034/2011 dated 02.03.2011

Source: © Uli Carthusian / PIXELIO

Actual Pregnancy Dilation Chart

for rent reduction due to surface below in a rented apartment

The Federal Court has today adopted a decision to rent reduction due to surface below of more than 10% for a furnished apartment rented taken.

The applicant is a tenant since 2006, fully furnished and equipped with comprehensive household residence of the defendant in Berlin. The monthly rate of rent is 560 € add to get a pre-heating 15 € and a current advance payment of 25 €. In the lease, the size of the apartment with 50 m² is specified. The actual living space is only 44.3 square feet. The applicant holds because of the surface deviation of 11.5% a reduction in the rent of an equivalent amount to be justified and demanded by letter of May 2009, a partial repayment of the rent for the rental period in the amount of € 1,964.20. The defendant says that the rent was to furnish the apartment were taken into account, so the rent was only reduced by a total of € 736.58. This is the amount he has reported to the plaintiff.

With his action, the defendant took the plaintiff to pay the remaining amount to complete. The district court allowed the claim in the amount of € 288.22 and dismissed the remainder. The district court dismissed the appeal against that addressed by the applicant.

directed against the revision of the plaintiff was successful. Who among other things, the Housing Tenancy competent Eighth Civil Division of the Federal Court held that a lack of furniture in the form of a deviation of the actual living area of the contracted floor space of more than 10% of the tenants even in rented apartments to a reduction of rent in proportion entitled in which the actual living space is below the agreed floor space. That emanates from a living space below the restriction of the possible use of the rented housing is not to quote so low, because the need for a financial management furnishings can be despite the lower living area completely accommodated in the apartment.

Judgement of 2 March 2011 - VIII ZR 209/10

AG Charlottenburg - Case of 17 Dezember 2009 - 211 C 334/09
LG Berlin - Case of 13 July 2010 - 65 S 28/10

Source: Federal Communication No. 035/2011 from the Press Office 02/03/2011

Source: © Rainer Sturm / PIXELIO

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Causes For Turning Red

surface in fully furnished apartment for rent deviation by more than 10%

a tenant to rent a fully furnished apartment for rent to reduce deviation from an area where more than 10% of the contracted floor space (BGH, Judgement of 03.02.2011, Az: VIII ZR 209/10). The information contained in the rent of the apartment is furnished with a rent reduction by the tenant not included. In the opinion of the Supreme Court is no difference between the rental of a fully furnished apartment and the rental of an "empty" house.
Legal Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Bestred Dot Sight For The Money rent increase after modernization measure
A landlord may increase according to a given modernization measure, the rental even if the construction work has not been previously announced (BGH, Judgement of 02/03/2011, Az: VIII ZR 164/10). The obligation of the landlord serves notice only to the extent that the tenant can adjust to the upcoming construction projects. Lawyers can
Kotz Siegen Siegen
Strasse 104 57223 Kreuztal

Can You Wear A Red Gown In January

green sauce - a spring court

Although the herbal mixture for a true Frankfurt green sauce is now available all year on us this dish tastes even better in the spring. As of March it is about every two weeks on our diet, it is our absolute favorite food. The final blend of herbs is in the Frankfurt area in any decent grocery store offered, many supermarkets carry the popular round package.

(includes the hungriest of course Mark, who destroyed about 3 / 4 of the total) for 2 hungry mouths ranging from 2 packs. These are for the sauce or a packet of cream cheese (which I use 3 / 4), 1 sour cream and a small jar of mayonnaise, which is also used only about 3 / 4. Is seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Green sauce for us there are only boiled potatoes and boiled eggs.

The herbal blend is always something different depending on the offer. Be sure to include into parsley, borage, sorrel and chives, in my pack were also chervil, cress and salad burnet. Sometimes one also finds in it dill.

The parcels were of very good quality, no waste in it and the herbs fairly fresh.

is important to know that the green sauce is not cooked, but served cold. To produce them, the herbs are washed, sorted out the coarse stalks and leaves chopped fine then. I do it in the food processor my food processor. It is somewhat easier by the way, if you always add to the herbs are the remaining sauce ingredients (ie cottage cheese, sour Cream and mayonnaise). Then, the mass puree beautifully fine. One can of course decide how finely you want to have the sauce.

If all the herbs are processed, the sauce with salt, pepper and lemon juice (half a lemon is usually enough of) seasoned. Served with boiled potatoes and eggs with us.

course there is not a recipe for green sauce but many possibilities to vary. Some like to give an onion or pieces of pickles in the sauce, others are preparing for a "light" version, using only lean yogurt as a sauce base is used and it is strongly flavored with mustard. The imagination knows no boundaries. There are people who serve the sauce also like to meat, for example, to boiled beef. The above formulation is the one that tastes best to us.