Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sunfire Tga-7401 Reviews

trampling in the apartment above you?

If it is agreed tenancy agreement, a rent due to lack of sound insulation can not be reduced.

would like to point to this Supreme Court decision, lawyer Dirk Witteck, director of counseling services in rental assistance eV in the regional court districts of Aschaffenburg and Darmstadt explicitly.

This is the opinion of the highest German civil court (BGH) if at the time of construction of the building at the time valid DIN regulations were observed. Any additional insulation can from Owners are not required.

a rent reduction under § 536 BGB, the tenant may make, because he can, in the absence of specific contractual provisions on this, expect only a rental property, which is of average kind and quality and at a standard equivalent to that of comparable rental equipment is also given.

criteria are the level of rent, building age, location of the building and the standards at the time of construction of the house had validity. Avoid

about legal problems in connection with any unauthorized impairment of the rent (housing cancellation), should you obtain before the loss of your tenancy advice from the Tenant Assistance Association, the unlimited for an annual fee of 47 € * advice to is (is different contribution levels for commercial members) .* annual contribution of an individual

Judgement of 7 July 2010 - VIII ZR 85/09
AG Bonn - Case of 27 February 2008 - 10 C 288/06
LG Bonn - Case of 5 March 2009 - 6 S 84/08

tenant assistance eV
counseling Aschaffenburg
adhesive 6-8
63739 Aschaffenburg Phone: 06021/365816

tenant assistance eV
counseling Dieburg
stock Strasse 49 64807
Phone: 06071 / 9816816

Photo: Dirk Witteck lawyer, head of the counseling centers Aschaffenburg and Dieburg of tenant assistance eV


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