According to § § 543, 569 IV BGB is immediate termination of a residential room rental agreement to establish such a way that it is sufficient if the landlord gives the default of payment as grounds for dismissal and estimated the total amount of arrears of rent.
In support of dismissal on any previous rent arrears, the Supreme Court in its recent decision, a landlord must ensure that the tenants the notice itself and can personally verify the basis of the landlord and identified specific residues indicated that the notice is actually justified.
Very important:
However, you should have a termination of your lease (with an annual contribution of 47 €!) Assisted by the tenant can check eV. It may also be present formal error, you may notice is ineffective.
Case of 12 May 2010 - VIII ZR 96/09
AG Leipzig, Judgement of 30 Juni 2008 - 167 C 5138/07
LG Leipzig, Judgement of 18 March 2009 - 1 S 372/08
tenant assistance eV
counseling Aschaffenburg
adhesive 6-8
63739 Aschaffenburg Phone: 06021/365816
tenant assistance eV
counseling Dieburg
stock Strasse 49
64807 Phone: 06071/9816816
BSZ ® - Top List rental and condominium law
Photo: lawyer Dirk Witteck, head of the counseling centers Aschaffenburg and Dieburg
of tenant assistance eV
Photo: lawyer Dirk Witteck, head of the counseling centers Aschaffenburg and Dieburg
of tenant assistance eV
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