Having considered quite long, here is my blog. "puppet masters" . Why is this blog so I'll explain later. It has nothing to do with my nickname, but also with the role playing, with which I am working primarily in my spare time.
I am happy if you pass - not only now but also later. If you come back, that's even more beautiful.
Welcome, friends. With a good cup of tea, a pipe with good tobacco. Or just like that.
If you can think of something, you can send me a comment like, but please look on certain things that violate rules of criminal or civil law - And I will delete any comment without further ado.
I greet first of all love from people around me (in no particular order, except for the first person on the list):
I am happy if you pass - not only now but also later. If you come back, that's even more beautiful.
Welcome, friends. With a good cup of tea, a pipe with good tobacco. Or just like that.
If you can think of something, you can send me a comment like, but please look on certain things that violate rules of criminal or civil law - And I will delete any comment without further ado.
I greet first of all love from people around me (in no particular order, except for the first person on the list):
my treasure,
Sabine from Münster ( Website )
my "child "
Linda from Münster,
Ricx and Vio ,
Tim and Jasper (for "Unknown Armies "),
Damaris and from Randolph the beautiful mill stream in BaWü, Timo
of Münster,
Carstein and Koi, together with the chaos force, from
Thomas Witten,
Thomas (Annabelle, oh Annabelle ...) and Dirk from FFM,
Flinx from Hamburg,
Matthias also from Hamburg,
Murray (you know why ... Ritter) and Hans Reiner,
Stayka from Oberhausen,
Steffen Greifswald,
Felix Mertikat from Esslingen and the rest of the team,
July in Lemgo,
Nicole Sherman and family from Augsburg,
Steffi and Julia from Berlin,
Leysa in Magdeburg,
Hannah and Volker from Marburg,
John Kovalic (as I say simply Dorktower and Munchkin ... best greetings and wishes!)
Nicole (All the best!),
Jörg and Markus (hey you two!)
Dennis aka Ace_van_Acer from Mannheim,
Markus from Stuttgart,
Monika from Karlsruhe,
Benjamin (the eternal Primogen ) from Göppingen,
Martin and Andrea from Mainz,
Hauke from Münster (hello Co-supporter!),
the cellar children Sendenhorst
Christian aka Crispin from Weinheim,
Konrad Eiberger,
Natalie from Ludwigshafen,
Stefan Jamin,
Lisa from Siegen,
Amaz (your real name I do not even know ...), the
Dachsviech Rob (currently in Japan), Maren
Seidel in Coburg,
Patrick Segel (hello clan brother!), Lilian
from Freiburg (from the Circulum Vitae),
the troops to Manuel (ie: Andrea, Achim, Stefan, Manuel daily organizer),
the troops to Metal in Ostlutter / Göttingen (ie: Christian, Andrea, Lars, Nils, Petra, Jan), Peter
, Tübingen, and the people of the "Vampire" Chronicle Live in Stuttgart-Böblingen,
Katrina and Anja from Ahlen, and the people of the " Vampire-Live Chronicle domain Werse County "
Daniel aka totes_Taubsi and something
Michael, and Udo Fritz from the table to pipe-stem
and some others.
When someone feels forgotten, may he tell me that please. I know too many people ....
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